
This Went From Horrifying To Downright Unbelievable Very Quickly

All of the amazing (and slightly terrifying) artwork you’re about to see was created by one man. His name is Sam Jinks and he is an Australian visual artist. He focuses on creating hyper-realistic sculptures out of silicone, resin and fiberglass. There’s something about these pieces that are almost too realistic, to the point where they seem like they shouldn’t exist at all.

No matter how you feel about his artwork, one thing is certain: you should feel something.

Although most of his pieces are seemingly very normal…

There is an emotional vulnerability and instability in many of Sam’s sculptures.

There is innocence, yet frailty.

Some of his work, like this old man seen here, is even hard to look at. It isn’t gruesome, but many people react to it.

The way he sees life and death is truly amazing.

But what’s even more amazing is the realism of these sculptures.

After adding the silicone and resin, he will add coloring and hair to make the sculptures seem so lifelike.

Most of them you wouldn’t be able to tell aren’t human…

While others are deeply unsettling and most definitely unrealistic.

It will be hard to forget any of Sam Jinks’s work.

Some of Sam’s works fall into what people call the “uncanny valley.” The uncanny valley is a hypothesis in the field of human aesthetics. The idea is that when human features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural human beings, it causes a response of revulsion among some human observers.

So when you look at some of Sam’s work, and you (for almost no reason) are put off by it… it could be because his hyper-realistic sculptures step too close into this uncanny valley.

The humans with fox heads, for example, may be culprits.

Source: Sam Jinks via Amusing Planet

